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4.0 ( 1200 ratings )
Utvecklare: Jose Vicente Martinez

Who would not want to easily control their finances in a simple and also seeing a nice Ballenita? Well, heres Whallet a tool for both Web and mobile, where managing personal finances of any user, in an easy and simple for you do not need to know anything about finance to get all the potential.

Enter both your expenses and your income quickly and categorized in a simple way.
Compare the evolution of your expenses and income month after month.

Know at a glance as spread your expenses and discover how you spend the money.

Whallet Share with your friends, because Whallet rocks! (Although we who say ugly).

Do not wait to take control of your finances up and download now, free Whallet and visit.

- Comparison month of your income vs. your expenses.
- Distribution of expenses by category.
- Updated lists of your movements.
- Add expenses and income.
- Multilanguage: English and Spanish.
- Many currencies available.
- Share.